Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin Rosin


Evah Pirazzi Gold Rosin is specially designed for Evah Pirazzi Gold strings, offering powerful projection, smooth bow response, and minimal dust for a clear, articulate sound.

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Specifically developed to match perfectly with the seductive and inspiring sound of Pirastro’s Evah Pirazzi Gold strings, the Evah Pirazzi Gold rosin brings forth the full sound spectrum, powerful projection, and excellent bow response of these strings.

Evah Pirazzi Gold rosin increases the ease of bow response in the softer dynamic range and maximises the instrument‘s ability to react to bow pulses during fast and virtuoso playing. The rosin’s powerful contact with the strings allows the player to draw out the sound evenly and enable clear articulation without harshness. A smooth, supple, and satisfying playing experience is also provided as soon as the rosin is applied.

The Evah Pirazzi Gold rosin distinguishes itself by creating only a minor formation of dust with no residue forming on the bow hair or the strings point of contact.

Apply this rosin sparingly to achieve optimal results. You may find that you need to use much less than other types of rosin.

Which Rosin Should I Use?

High quality rosin allows for perfect bowing without scratchy sounds, especially if only a thin layer of rosin is applied. The general rule is as follows:

  • violinists and violists use a harder, dryer rosin
  • cellists use a medium strong rosin
  • bassists use a softer rosin

Pirastro Rosin Chart

Another important aspect for choosing the right rosin is the core material of the string that are being used: steel strings are easier played if you use a hard, dry rosin. For synthetic, gut and gut wound strings, a softer rosin is recommended. Moreover, experienced players prefer softer rosin when playing in a studio and harder rosin in a concert hall. Hard rosin works best in tropical climates while soft rosin is good for cold climates.

Pirastro develops their own specific rosin and design it according to the technical requirements of their different string lines. That is also the reason why they name their rosin after the brand names of their violin and viola string lines.

About Pirastro

Pirastro meticulously develops each rosin to match the unique characteristics of their string lines, ensuring optimal performance and responsiveness tailored to your instrument.

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