Pneumo Pro Wind Director (Digital Kit)


The patented Pneumo Pro by Blocki Flute has helped thousands of new flautists to quickly learn how to have a beautiful tone. Band directors and flute teachers love how the Pneumo Pro facilitates the correct and consistent placement of the air column, taking the mystery out of tone production. The new Pneumo Pro (patent pending) can be inserted in the body of the flute which allows immediate feedback on the correct placement of the air column even while the students are balancing the flute.

Available on back-order


Digital Kit! The previous kits with DVDs have been discontinued; content is now available via digital download.

The patented Pneumo Pro by Blocki Flute has helped thousands of new flautists to quickly learn how to have a beautiful tone. Band directors and flute teachers love how the Pneumo Pro facilitates the correct and consistent placement of the air column, taking the mystery out of tone production. The new Pneumo Pro (patent pending) can be inserted in the body of the flute which allows immediate feedback on the correct placement of the air column even while the students are balancing the flute. Best of all, the students can be silently practicing technical exercises with the Pneumo Pro, while the band or orchestra director is working with other students.

Since I’m and advanced player, should I still get the Pneumo Pro?

For advanced students, the Pneumo Pro helps with:

  • Tone production.
  • Tuning (especially when playing changes in dynamics.)
  • Focused double and triple tonguing
  • Smooth and connected flexibility between octaves.
  • Advanced techniques such as multiphonics.

With the Pneumo Pro inserted into the body of the flute, the student can play through their piece or exercise, while the teacher checks the flexibility, direction and speed of the air column. It is quite helpful to have the student play a piece or exercise on the Pneumo Pro (with it in the flute) while the teacher plays it on the flute.

Testimonials (taken from the Blocki flute website):

A seventh grader in my studio was struggling to breathe and could not ever ascend or descend passages without cracking. She also played out of the side of her mouth with a very slanted posture. A dedicated and highly motivated Honor Band player, she was able to completely reset her embouchure in just three weeks utilizing the Pneumo Pro! It took some convincing to keep the flute case closed for five days; however, with a scripted progression from wind director only to head joint to whole flute, she was able to transform her posture, embouchure, and sound. She now plays effortlessly with a relaxed embouchure and has eliminated her jaw, neck, and arm pain. She is overjoyed at her metamorphosis! You have returned the love of music to many flutists who previously struggled to make a clear, beautiful and resonant tone. Kudos to Mrs. Blocki for this ingenous invention!
As a clarinet & sax player first, I’m another student who’s played flute badly for decades. Recently I resolved to improve my flute playing, and the first thing my new teacher suggested was that I get the Pneumo Pro and Blocki Method DVD. What a great recommendation! Like any good teaching tool, the Pneumo Pro provides clear, immediate feedback. In conjunction with Kathy Blocki’s clear instructions on the DVD, the Pneumo has helped me gain noticeable improvement with just a couple weeks of practice. I use it to start every session, and sometimes even mid-practice when my tone starts to lose focus. I think this is an indispensable tool for every novice flutist – of any age!


Weight 135 g
Dimensions 210 × 140 × 50 mm

Product Type

Embouchure Trainer

Suitable For


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